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Hvordan sletter man cookies?
Cookies du tidligere har accepteret, kan sagtens slettes. Hvordan du sletter disse afhænger af den browser du bruger (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.) og på hvilken enhed (mobil, tablet, pc, mac).
Det er typisk under Indstillinger – Sikkerhed og Privatliv, men kan variere fra browser til browser. Afhængig af hvilken enhed/browser du bruger så klik på det relevante link:
Cookies anvendelse
Resights benytter SalesIQ til at opsamle statistik, du kan se ydereligere information om SalesIQ her
Cookies i brug:
Cookie name and details |
Purpose |
Domain |
If JS API (.salesiq.domain())enabled |
“zld”+<@lsid@>+”state” |
5 mins |
This cookie stores the minimization and maximization state of an embed on the website. |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
“zld”+<@lsid@>+”dragpos” |
5 mins |
This cookie stores the position of the embed on the website |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”_zldp” |
2 years |
This cookie identifies the unique visitors for the website |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”_zldt” |
1 day |
This cookie identifies unique visits for a visitor in the website |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”_siqid” |
2 years |
This cookie helps you track users across all domains |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”_uuid” |
2 years |
This cookie provides user id needed in REST API to get the data of the current user. |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
isiframeenabled |
1 day |
This cookie is set when the Live Chat feature is disabled by proactive chats/trigger/JSAPI |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
“gdpr_”+<@screenname@>+”__donottrack” |
1 month |
This cookie stores the GDPR consent from the visitor – enable/disable tracking |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
“gdpr_”+<@screenname@>+”_trackingconfig” |
1 month |
This cookie stores the GDPR consent configured in the SalesIQ portal |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
“zld”+<@lsid@>+”Article_”+<@article_id@> |
1 day |
The cookie stores if an article is liked or not by the visitor |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”mc_cid” |
1 day |
This cookie tracks Mailchimp details about the visitor via campaign id & member email’s unique id |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
<@screenname@>+”-“+”mc_eid” |
1 day |
This cookie tracks Mailchimp details about the visitor via unique id & member email’s unique id |
xyz.domain.com |
domain.com |
When the browsing session ends |
This cookie is generated by servlet containers like Tomcat and used for session management for the HTTP protocol |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
When the browsing session ends |
This cookie is used for security purposes in order to avoid Cross-Site Request Forgery, (CSRF) for the AJAX calls made by the visitor |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
e3de1f7d42(random checksum) |
When the browsing session ends |
This cookie is used for internal load balancing of SalesIQ servers |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
salesiq.zohopublic. com |
“shopifyat_”+<@lsid@> |
Undefined |
Used in the Shopify app to authenticate the SalesIQ API request |
salesiq.zoho.com |
Not Applicable |
“fbpgsr_”+<@lsid@> |
Undefined |
Used in the Facebook app to authenticate the SalesIQ API request |
salesiq.zoho.com |
Not Applicable |
_zldvfp |
6 months |
Used to identify visitors referred from email campaigns |
xyz.domain.com |
Not Applicable |
Har du spørgsmål?
Har du kommentarer eller spørgsmål i forbindelse med vores information og/eller behandling af personlige oplysninger, er du velkommen til at kontakte os. Selve cookiepolitikken bliver opdateret hver måned af Cookiebot.